2343032568 6977267238 Μεγάλου Αλεξάνδρου 177, Πολύκαστρο nalbantidisiepya@gmail.com
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Nalbantidis Security
Escort & Protection of People - Security Systems - Alarms
- Venue and Event Reservations - Polykastro Kilkis


The company Nalbantidis Security is a company that has been active in the field of security systems since 2007. It is located in Polykastro Kilkis and provides high-quality services in security matters, alarms, security of premises and events, as well as patrol car services.

The company is specialized in providing complete security solutions for homes, businesses, shops and other places, as well as event security. With the use of the most modern technologies and the expertise of its staff, Nalbandidis Security ensures the absolute safety of its customers.

The company Nalbantidis Security is known for its reliability and professional attitude. Its services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and the company provides immediate response to every request of its customers.